
Environmental Policy

Clean Production and Sustainable Environmental Protection


  • Establish and implement environmental management system.
  • Implement pollution prevention to comply with the legal requirements.
  • Strive for business sustainable development and continue the environmental improvement.
  • Encourage all employees to involve environmental protection activities.
  • Implement energy saving and waste minimization; strengthen resources recycling and reuse ; reduce and disuse environment-prohibited material. 

Safety and Health Policy

High quality of safety workplace, high security of labor health


  • In order to safeguard worker health and safety-oriented, continuous monitoring of safety and health performance to reduce risks at work, to the prevention of injury.
  • Regular checks and regulations and strengthen the on-site inspection, indeed comply with the safety regulations and other requirements of health-related matters.
  • Through audits and management reviews,by PDCA model, continuing to enhance safety and health performance.
  • Full part in shaping practical experience related to health and safety, the implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System as a whole the operation.
  • Consultation and participation of commitment workers and their workers'representatives. 

RoHS Compliance / Declaration

YAGEO Corporation has spent the past decade building a global network of production bases, distribution, logistics, eBusiness connection and technology development in order to provide time-to-market services to its global customers. In view of the increasing demand for environmental friendly products, YAGEO began to engage its resources in developing lead-free passive components since 1990. As a pioneer in the field of non-hazardous passive components, YAGEO provides products that are RoHS compliant to meet the requirements of European Union directive, effective on July 1,2006.


yageo_select_icon_csr.png YAGEO's RoHS compliant product list (PDF)


Declaration of Metal Conflict-Free

YAGEO Corporation herein declares the metal Conflict-Free on products supplied to customers.YAGEO Corporation take due diligence within our supply chain to assure "DRC Conflict-Free" for the metals of gold (Au), tantalum (Ta), tungsten (W), tin (Sn), cobalt (Co) and Mica are not derived from or sourced from mines in conflict areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), or illegally taxed on trade routes, either of which are controlled by non-governmental military groups, or unlawful military factions. Trade routes not confirmed to be "Conflict Free" include direct exports from the DRC, as well as exports through Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania and Kenya or an adjoining country (countries of whom defined in 2010 United States legislation, Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act note are global export routes for DRC-mined minerals).

We would like to confirm metals used in Products sold to customers are "DRC Conflict-Free".